Gayathri r prabhu
Gayathri r prabhu
Amrita School of Engineering
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Cited by
FPGA based scalable fixed point QRD core using dynamic partial reconfiguration
GR Prabhu, B Johnson, JS Rani
2015 28th International Conference on VLSI Design, 345-350, 2015
Sequential multi-hypothesis testing in multi-armed bandit problems: An approach for asymptotic optimality
GR Prabhu, S Bhashyam, A Gopalan, R Sundaresan
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2022
Fixed point pipelined architecture for QR decomposition
GR Prabhu
2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communications, Control and …, 2014
Learning to detect an oddball target with observations from an exponential family
GR Prabhu, S Bhashyam, A Gopalan, R Sundaresan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.03682, 2017
Optimal odd arm identification with fixed confidence
GR Prabhu, S Bhashyam, A Gopalan, R Sundaresan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.03682 67, 69-77, 2017
Learning to detect an anomalous target with observations from an exponential family
GR Prabhu, S Bhashyam, A Gopalan, R Sundaresan
2019 IEEE Data Science Workshop (DSW), 88-92, 2019
Scalable fixed point qrd core using dynamic partial reconfiguration
GR Prabhu, B Johnson, JS Rani
International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing 2014, 2014
Comment on'Interpretation of the Lempel-Ziv Complexity Measure in the context of Biomedical Signal Analysis'
K Balasubramanian, GR Prabhu, N Nagaraj
arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.0130, 2013
Classification of Periodic, Chaotic and Random Sequences using NSRPS Complexity Measure
K Balasubramanian, GR Prabhu, M Krishnan, N Nagaraj
arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.4886, 2012
Research Article Scalable Fixed Point QRD Core Using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration
GR Prabhu, B Johnson, JS Rani
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Articles 1–10