Prasun Dutta
Prasun Dutta
Associate Professor of Physics, IIT (BHU) Varanasi
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A study of interstellar medium of dwarf galaxies using H i power spectrum analysis
P Dutta, A Begum, S Bharadwaj, JN Chengalur
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 398 (2), 887-897, 2009
The scaleheight of NGC 1058 measured from its Hi power spectrum
P Dutta, A Begum, S Bharadwaj, JN Chengalur
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 397 (1), L60-L63, 2009
H i power spectrum of the spiral galaxy NGC 628
P Dutta, A Begum, S Bharadwaj, JN Chengalur
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 384 (1), L34-L37, 2008
Detailed study of ELAIS N1 field with the uGMRT–II. Source properties and spectral variation of foreground power spectrum from 300–500 MHz observations
A Chakraborty, N Roy, A Datta, S Choudhuri, KK Datta, P Dutta, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 490 (1), 243-259, 2019
Probing interstellar turbulence in spiral galaxies using H i power spectrum analysis
P Dutta, A Begum, S Bharadwaj, JN Chengalur
New Astronomy 19, 89-98, 2013
Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in supernova remnants
N Roy, S Bharadwaj, P Dutta, JN Chengalur
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 393 (1), L26-L30, 2009
H i 21 cm opacity fluctuations power spectra towards Cassiopeia A
N Roy, JN Chengalur, P Dutta, S Bharadwaj
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 404 (1), L45-L49, 2010
Detailed study of the ELAIS N1 field with the uGMRT–I. Characterizing the 325 MHz foreground for redshifted 21 cm observations
A Chakraborty, A Datta, S Choudhuri, N Roy, H Intema, M Choudhury, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487 (3), 4102-4113, 2019
A Tapered Gridded Estimator (TGE) for the multifrequency angular power spectrum (MAPS) and the cosmological H i 21-cm power spectrum
S Bharadwaj, S Pal, S Choudhuri, P Dutta
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483 (4), 5694-5700, 2019
Insights into the evolution of symbiotic recurrent novae from radio synchrotron emission: V745 Scorpii and RS Ophiuchi
NG Kantharia, P Dutta, N Roy, GC Anupama, CH Ishwara-Chandra, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 456 (1), L49-L53, 2015
The H i column density power spectrum of six nearby spiral galaxies
P Dutta, S Bharadwaj
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 436 (1), L49-L53, 2013
The role of feedback in shaping the structure of the interstellar medium
AP Walker, BK Gibson, K Pilkington, CB Brook, P Dutta, S Stanimirović, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 441 (1), 525-531, 2014
Evidence of large-scale energy cascade in the spiral galaxy NGC 5236
M Nandakumar, P Dutta
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 496 (2), 1803-1810, 2020
First Multi-redshift Limits on Post–Epoch of Reionization 21 cm Signal from z= 1.96–3.58 Using uGMRT
A Chakraborty, A Datta, N Roy, S Bharadwaj, TR Choudhury, KK Datta, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 907 (1), L7, 2021
Calibration requirements for epoch of reionization 21-cm signal observations–I. Effect of time-correlated gains
J Kumar, P Dutta, N Roy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 495 (4), 3683-3694, 2020
The structure function of Galactic H i opacity fluctuations on au scales based on MERLIN, VLA and VLBA data
P Dutta, JN Chengalur, N Roy, WM Goss, M Arjunwadkar, AH Minter, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 442 (1), 647-655, 2014
The study of the angular and spatial distribution of radio-selected AGNs and star-forming galaxies in the ELAIS N1 field
A Chakraborty, P Dutta, A Datta, N Roy
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494 (3), 3392-3404, 2020
Steiner trees and spanning trees in six-pin soap films
P Dutta, SP Khastgir, A Roy
American Journal of Physics 78 (2), 215-221, 2010
Turbulence in the harassed galaxy NGC4254
P Dutta, A Begum, S Bharadwaj, JN Chengalur
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 405 (1), L102-L106, 2010
Towards 21-cm intensity mapping at z = 2.28 with uGMRT using the tapered gridded estimator I: Foreground avoidance
S Pal, KMA Elahi, S Bharadwaj, SS Ali, S Choudhuri, A Ghosh, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 516 (2), 2851-2863, 2022
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