Sang-Gon Lee
Sang-Gon Lee
Dongseo University
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Cited by
E-SAP: efficient-strong authentication protocol for healthcare applications using wireless medical sensor networks
P Kumar, SG Lee, HJ Lee
Sensors (SJR : 0.546, Q2) 12 (2), 1625-1647, 2012
Distributed SDN controller system: A survey on design choice
YE Oktian, SG Lee, HJ Lee, JH Lam
Computer Networks (SJR:0.755, Q2) 121, 100-111, 2017
Security Analysis and Improvements of Authentication and Access Control in the Internet of Things
B Ndibanje, HJ Lee, SG Lee
Sensors(SJR : 0.546, Q2) 14 (8), 14786-14805, 2014
Room temperature control and fire alarm/suppression IoT service using MQTT on AWS
DH Kang, MS Park, HS Kim, D Kim, SH Kim, HJ Son, SG Lee
2017 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (PlatCon), 1-5, 2017
RUASN: a robust user authentication framework for wireless sensor networks
P Kumar, AJ Choudhury, M Sain, SG Lee, HJ Lee
Sensors (SJR : 0.546, Q2) 11 (5), 5020-5046, 2011
Securing Distributed ISDN with IBC
JH Lam, SG Lee, HJ Lee, YE Oktian
ICUFN 2015, 921-925, 2015
Mitigating Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks in OpenFlow Networks
YE Oktian, SG Lee, HJ Lee
International Conference on ICT Convergence 2014(ICTC 2014), pp.325~330, 2014
A strong authentication scheme with user privacy for wireless sensor networks
P Kumar, A Gurtov, M Ylianttila, SG Lee, HJ Lee
ETRI journal 35 (5), 889-899, 2013
BorderChain: Blockchain-Based Access Control Framework for the Internet of Things Endpoint
YE Oktian, SG Lee
IEEE Access 9, 3592 - 3615, 2020
Malicious URLs Detection based on Associative Classification
S Kumi, CH Lim, SG Lee
MDPI Entropy 23 (2), 2021
Hierarchical Multi-Blockchain Architecture for Scalable Internet of Things Environment
YE Oktian, SG Lee, HJ Lee
MDPI Electronics 9 (6), 2020
An efficient and adaptive mutual authentication framework for heterogeneous wireless sensor network-based applications
P Kumar, M Ylianttila, A Gurtov, SG Lee, HJ Lee
Sensors(SJR : 0.546, Q2) 14 (2), 2732-2755, 2014
A Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Considering Secure Data Aggregation
TM Rahayu, SG Lee, HJ Lee
Sensors (SJR : 0.546, Q2) 15 (7), 15127-15158., 2015
Securing SDN Southbound and Data Plane Communication with IBC
JH Lam, SG Lee, HJ Lee, YE Oktian
Mobile Information Systems 2016, 2016
Secure Your Northbound SDN API
YE Oktian, SG Lee, HJ Lee, JH Lam
ICUFN 2015, 919-920, 2015
Survey on LEACH-based security protocols
TM Rahayu, SG Lee, HJ Lee
16th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, 304-309, 2014
Blockchain-Based Continued Integrity Service for IoT Big Data Management: A Comprehensive Design
YE Oktian, SG Lee, BG Lee
MDPI Electronics 2020 (9), 2020
Cluster-based routing scheme for Wireless Mesh Networks
M Singh, SG Lee, TW Kit, LJ Huy
13th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology …, 2011
An enhanced ID-based deniable authentication protocol on pairings
MH Lim, S Lee, Y Park, H Lee
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2007: International …, 2007
Toward Data Integrity Architecture for Cloud-based AI Systems,
EN Witanto, YE Oktian, SG Lee
MDPI Symmetry, 2022
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Articles 1–20