Giovanni Covone
Giovanni Covone
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Cited by
KiDS-450: cosmological parameter constraints from tomographic weak gravitational lensing
H Hildebrandt, M Viola, C Heymans, S Joudaki, K Kuijken, C Blake, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 465 (2), 1454-1498, 2017
Low-mass dark matter search with the DarkSide-50 experiment
P Agnes, IFM Albuquerque, T Alexander, AK Alton, GR Araujo, DM Asner, ...
Physical review letters 121 (8), 081307, 2018
DarkSide-20k: A 20 tonne two-phase LAr TPC for direct dark matter detection at LNGS
CE Aalseth, F Acerbi, P Agnes, IFM Albuquerque, T Alexander, A Alici, ...
The European Physical Journal Plus 133, 1-129, 2018
DarkSide-50 532-day dark matter search with low-radioactivity argon
P Agnes, IFM Albuquerque, T Alexander, AK Alton, GR Araujo, M Ave, ...
Physical Review D 98 (10), 102006, 2018
The first and second data releases of the Kilo-Degree Survey
JTA de Jong, GAV Kleijn, DR Boxhoorn, H Buddelmeijer, M Capaccioli, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 582, A62, 2015
Constraints on sub-GeV dark-matter–electron scattering from the DarkSide-50 experiment
P Agnes, IFM Albuquerque, T Alexander, AK Alton, GR Araujo, DM Asner, ...
Physical review letters 121 (11), 111303, 2018
Results from the first use of low radioactivity argon in a dark matter search
P Agnes, L Agostino, IFM Albuquerque, T Alexander, AK Alton, K Arisaka, ...
Physical Review D 93 (8), 081101, 2016
The Spitzer Extragalactic Representative Volume Survey (SERVS): Survey Definition and Goals
JC Mauduit, M Lacy, D Farrah, JA Surace, M Jarvis, S Oliver, C Maraston, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 124 (917), 714, 2012
Finding strong gravitational lenses in the kilo degree survey with convolutional neural networks
CE Petrillo, C Tortora, S Chatterjee, G Vernardos, LVE Koopmans, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 472 (1), 1129-1150, 2017
Galaxies in x-ray groups. i. robust membership assignment and the impact of group environments on quenching
MR George, A Leauthaud, K Bundy, A Finoguenov, J Tinker, YT Lin, S Mei, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 742 (2), 125, 2011
The strong transformation of spiral galaxies infalling into massive clusters at z≈ 0.2
L Cortese, D Marcillac, J Richard, H Bravo-Alfaro, JP Kneib, G Rieke, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 376 (1), 157-172, 2007
CSL-1: chance projection effect or serendipitous discovery of a gravitational lens induced by a cosmic string?
M Sazhin, G Longo, M Capaccioli, JM Alcalá, R Silvotti, G Covone, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 343 (2), 353-359, 2003
The Herschel-ATLAS: a sample of 500μm-selected lensed galaxies over 600 square degrees
M Negrello, S Amber, A Amvrosiadis, ZY Cai, A Lapi, J Gonzalez-Nuevo, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, stw2911, 2016
First catalog of strong lens candidates in the COSMOS field
C Faure, JP Kneib, G Covone, L Tasca, A Leauthaud, P Capak, K Jahnke, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 176 (1), 19, 2008
Telescope search for decaying relic axions
D Grin, G Covone, JP Kneib, M Kamionkowski, A Blain, E Jullo
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 75 (10), 105018, 2007
Central mass-to-light ratios and dark matter fractions in early-type galaxies
C Tortora, NR Napolitano, AJ Romanowsky, M Capaccioli, G Covone
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 396 (2), 1132-1150, 2009
The L 98-59 system: three transiting, terrestrial-size planets orbiting a nearby M dwarf
VB Kostov, JE Schlieder, T Barclay, EV Quintana, KD Colón, J Brande, ...
The Astronomical Journal 158 (1), 32, 2019
Supernova rates from the SUDARE VST-OmegaCAM search-I. Rates per unit volume
E Cappellaro, MT Botticella, G Pignata, A Grado, L Greggio, L Limatola, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 584, A62, 2015
LinKS: discovering galaxy-scale strong lenses in the Kilo-Degree Survey using convolutional neural networks
CE Petrillo, C Tortora, G Vernardos, LVE Koopmans, G Verdoes Kleijn, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484 (3), 3879-3896, 2019
The first habitable-zone Earth-sized planet from TESS. I. Validation of the TOI-700 system
EA Gilbert, T Barclay, JE Schlieder, EV Quintana, BJ Hord, VB Kostov, ...
The Astronomical Journal 160 (3), 116, 2020
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Articles 1–20