Wenbo Shi
Wenbo Shi
Harvard University, Singularity Energy, Inc.
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Cited by
Distributed Optimal Energy Management in Microgrids
W Shi, X Xie, CC Chu, R Gadh
Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on 6 (3), 1137 - 1146, 2015
Real-time energy management in microgrids
W Shi, N Li, CC Chu, R Gadh
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 8 (1), 228-238, 2017
Optimal residential demand response in distribution networks
W Shi, N Li, X Xie, CC Chu, R Gadh
Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on 32 (7), 1441-1450, 2014
Real-time vehicle-to-grid control algorithm under price uncertainty
W Shi, VWS Wong
2011 IEEE international conference on smart grid communications …, 2011
Design and implementation of a microgrid energy management system
EK Lee, W Shi, R Gadh, W Kim
Sustainability 8 (11), 1143, 2016
Demand-Response-Based Distributed Preventive Control to Improve Short-Term Voltage Stability
Y Dong, X Xie, W Shi, B Zhou, Q Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (5), 4785-4795, 2018
Evaluating Microgrid Management and Control with an Implementable Energy Management System
W Shi, EK Lee, D Yao, R Huang, CC Chu, R Gadh
Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, 2014
Decentralized and distributed temperature control via HVAC systems in energy efficient buildings
X Zhang, W Shi, B Yan, A Malkawi, N Li
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.03308, 2017
MDS-based localization algorithm for RFID systems
W Shi, VWS Wong
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2011
An Integrated High Side Var-Voltage Control Strategy to Improve Short-Term Voltage Stability of Receiving-End Power Systems
Y Dong, X Xie, B Zhou, W Shi, Q Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (3), 2105-2115, 2016
Optimal operation of stationary and mobile batteries in distribution grids
Y Wang, W Shi, B Wang, CC Chu, R Gadh
Applied Energy 190, 1289-1301, 2017
A Distributed Optimal Energy Management Strategy for Microgrids
W Shi, X Xie, CC Chu, R Gadh
Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, 2014
Decentralized temperature control via HVAC systems in energy efficient buildings: An approximate solution procedure
X Zhang, W Shi, X Li, B Yan, A Malkawi, N Li
2016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP …, 2016
An integrated design of optimization and physical dynamics for energy efficient buildings: A passivity approach
T Hatanaka, X Zhang, W Shi, M Zhu, N Li
2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 1050-1057, 2017
Methods and systems for machine-learning for prediction of grid carbon emissions
W Shi
US Patent 11,398,000, 2022
Physics-integrated hierarchical/distributed HVAC optimization for multiple buildings with robustness against time delays
T Hatanaka, X Zhang, W Shi, M Zhu, N Li
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6573-6579, 2017
Joint time and spatial reuse handshake protocol for underwater acoustic communication networks
R Diamant, W Shi, WS Soh, L Lampe
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 38 (3), 470-483, 2013
Design and implementation of communication architecture in a distributed energy resource system using IEC 61850 standard
R Huang, W Shi, D Yao, CC Chu, R Gadh, Y Song, Y Sung
International Journal of Energy Research 40 (5), 692-701, 2016
Forecasting building energy demand under uncertainty using gaussian process regression: Feature selection, baseline prediction, parametric analysis and a web-based tool
B Yan, X Li, W Shi, X Zhang, A Malkawi
Building Simulation 2017 15, 545-554, 2017
Integration of IEC 61850 into a Vehicle-to-Grid system with networked electric vehicles
R Huang, Y Wang, W Shi, D Yao, B Hu, CC Chu, R Gadh
2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2015
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Articles 1–20