Jonas D. De Basabe
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Cited by
Unified equations for the slope, intercept, and standard errors of the best straight line
D York, NM Evensen, ML Martı́nez, J De Basabe Delgado
American journal of physics 72 (3), 367-375, 2004
Grid dispersion and stability criteria of some common finite-element methods for acoustic and elastic wave equations
JD De Basabe, MK Sen
Geophysics 72 (6), T81-T95, 2007
The interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin method for elastic wave propagation: grid dispersion
JD De Basabe, MK Sen, MF Wheeler
Geophysical Journal International 175 (1), 83-93, 2008
Stability of the high-order finite elements for acoustic or elastic wave propagation with high-order time stepping
JD De Basabe, MK Sen
Geophysical Journal International 181 (1), 577-590, 2010
A comparison of finite-difference and spectral-element methods for elastic wave propagation in media with a fluid-solid interface
JD De Basabe, MK Sen
Geophysical Journal International 200 (1), 278-298, 2015
Elastic wave propagation in fractured media using the discontinuous Galerkin method
JD De Basabe, MK Sen, MF Wheeler
Geophysics 81 (4), T163-T174, 2016
New developments in the finite-element method for seismic modeling
JD De Basabe, MK Sen
The Leading Edge 28 (5), 562-567, 2009
Dispersion analysis of the spectral element method using a triangular mesh
T Liu, MK Sen, T Hu, JD De Basabe, L Li
Wave Motion, 2012
Seismic wave propagation in fractured media: a discontinuous Galerkin approach
JD De Basabe, MK Sen, MF Wheeler
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, 2920-2924, 2011
Enriched Galerkin finite element approximation for elastic wave propagation in fractured media
J Vamaraju, MK Sen, J De Basabe, M Wheeler
Journal of Computational Physics 372, 726-747, 2018
High-order finite element methods for seismic wave propagation
JDDB Delgado
The University of Texas at Austin, 2009
A hybrid Galerkin finite element method for seismic wave propagation in fractured media
J Vamaraju, MK Sen, J De Basabe, M Wheeler
Geophysical Journal International 221 (2), 857-878, 2020
Multiscale model reduction of the wave propagation problem in viscoelastic fractured media
M Vasilyeva, JD De Basabe, Y Efendiev, RL Gibson Jr
Geophysical Journal International 217 (1), 558-571, 2019
Grid dispersion and stability of the spectral element method with triangular elements
T Liu, X Wei, JD De Basabe, L Li, T Hu, MK Sen
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2012-1199, 2012
Grid dispersion and stability criteria of some common finite-difference and finite-element methods for acoustic and elastic wave propagation
JD De Basabe, MK Sen
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2007, 1992-1996, 2007
Theoretical signature of a cavern created by an underground nuclear explosion in 2-D exploration seismic data
S Ortiz-Aguilar, JD De Basabe, M Gonzalez-Escobar, V Magar
Geophysical Journal International 221 (3), 1789-1801, 2020
A comparison of continuous, discontinuous, and enriched Galerkin finite-element methods for elastic wave-propagation simulation
J Vamaraju, M Sen, J De Basabe, M Wheeler
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2017-17658225, 2017
Comment on “Dispersion analysis of spectral element methods for elastic wave propagation” by G. Seriani and SP Oliveira
JD De Basabe, MK Sen
Wave motion 46 (1), 92-93, 2009
Continuous and discontinuous finite element methods for elastic wave propagation
JD De Basabe, MK Sen
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2009-2542, 2009
Simulation of Fracture InterfaceWaves using the Discontinuous Galerkin Method
JD De Basabe, MK Sen, MF Wheeler
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2015-5821041, 2015
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Articles 1–20